Portal Network Blog

Portal Network Blog


The State Network Begins

Work towards bringing the state network into production begins in earnestRead More →

Portal Prague 2024

Recap of our summit meeting in PragueRead More →

Progress Report for 2024 Q1

Reporting on our progress for 2024 Q1Read More →

Portal Network Design Requirements

Trying to write down some of the various requirements that are required for Portal Network protocol designs.Read More →

Why Portal Needs To Be Its Own Network

Explaining why the Portal Network needed to build its own network rather than leverage an existing distributed storage engine like Filecoin or Swarm.Read More →

Shisui's story

Introducing how Shisui was bornRead More →

How to run Portal Bridge in 4444s mode

Explaining how to run a Portal Bridge in latest mode (Windows/Linux)Read More →

Portal Network 2024 roadmap

What does 2024 have in store for Portal Network?Read More →

State of light clients, and how Portal can help

Explaining why is it important to have multiple client implementations.Read More →

Portal Network 2023 Retrospective

A retrospective on the progress made by the Portal Network in 2023Read More →

Advantages of a multiclient approach to Ethereum

Explaining why is it important to have multiple client implementations.Read More →

The "five-whys" of client diversity

Drilling into the underlying purpose of client diversity.Read More →

The winding road to functional light clients - Part 3

Part three of a light client trilogy, roadmapping Ethereum light client development.Read More →

The winding road to functional light clients - Part 2

Part two of a light client trilogy, roadmapping Ethereum light client development.Read More →

The winding road to functional light clients - Part 1

Part one of a light client trilogy, roadmapping Ethereum light client development.Read More →

Discovery v5

Explaining why is it important to have multiple client implementations.Read More →

Portal Website
Portal Specs